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The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Your guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government

Trusted Information Sharing Network

Home Affairs
The Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN) is the primary forum connecting owners and operators of Australian critical infrastructure with all levels of government, who work together to enhance the security and resilience of critical infrastructure in the face of all hazards. The activities of the TISN are driven by critical infrastructure owners and operators from fourteen sector groups. In addition, Expert Advisory Groups and working groups provide advice on broad aspects of critical infrastructure requiring expert knowledge to identify and manage risks to critical infrastructure. The TISN is an Australian Government initiative that is administered by the Department of Home Affairs. Members of the TISN include owners and operators of critical infrastructure; and representatives from supply chain entities, peak bodies, cross-sectoral interest groups, academics and research institutes, and all levels of Government. The Critical Infrastructure Advisory Council (CIAC) provides leadership and strategic direction for the TISN. CIAC members include: TISN sector group chairs (industry representatives), Australian Government representatives, as well as State and Territory Government representatives. The CIAC assists the Australian Government with the implementation, interpretation and review of the Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CIR) Strategy and provides direction to the TISN sector groups, working groups, and expert advisory.

Further information

  • Type of Body

    F. Non-statutory advisory structure

  • Established By / Under


  • Classification

    C. Secondary non-statutory structure

  • Creation Date

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