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The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Your guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government

Australian Border Force

​We are Australia's frontline border law enforcement agency and customs service. We are an operationally independent body within the Home Affairs portfolio. Our mission is to protect Australia's border and enable legitimate travel and trade. Our vision is to be a global leader in border law enforcement and trusted partner that helps build a safe, secure and prosperous Australia. We aim to facilitate the movement of people and goods across the border. We work closely with other agencies to share knowledge, expertise and intelligence in order to detect, deter and prosecute those who attempt to do us harm at the border. The work we do contributes to safeguarding Australia's national security.


Further information

  • Postal Address

    PO Box 25 Belconnen ACT 2616

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