Military Personnel Division (MPD), currently led by MAJGEN Wade Stothart, sits within Military Personnel Organisation (MPO) and brings together Defence Force Recruiting, Navy Army and Air Force career management and personnel branches, and the Joint Transition Authority. MPD exists to evolve and integrate the support for our officers, soldiers, sailors and aviators from recruiting to transition and apply a joint approach to meet the changes to Australia’s external environment. MPD provides the opportunity for a lifecycle approach to managing the career and wellbeing of ADF personnel. MPD has implemented a best of practice Total Workforce career management effect; that is integrated and like by design; has eliminated organisational duplication; and is postured optimally to evolve and scale to meet future ADF individual and people capability needs.
Key People
Rear Admiral Letitia Van Stralen AM, CSC, RAN
R1-1-C005, Russell Drive, Russell, ACT 2601
PO Box 7901, Canberra BC, ACT 2610
Further information
Postal Address
PO Box 7901, Canberra BC ACT 2610
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