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Your guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government

What is a board?

For the purposes of this website, the entities referred to as Australian Government boards are those that:

  • the Australian Government has some control or influence over the selection or approval of board members; and
  • are included in the annual Gender Balance on Australian Government Boards report.

Australian Government boards may be categorised as:

  • Bodies covered by the public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
  • Ministerial Advisory Committees
  • Review committees where appointments are made by a Minister or the Cabinet
  • Commonwealth statutory authorities

The role of an Australian Government board can vary considerably between:

  • Governance - ensure corporate compliance and management accountability; endorse strategic plans
  • Regulatory - coordinate policies, plans or projects within and across portfolios
  • Registration, appeal and coordination - determine standards, monitor and regulate practice, grant licenses; investigate complaints and make judgements; and
  • Advisory - advice and make recommendations on policies, plans and practices.