The ABS is Australia's official national statistical agency. It was established over 100 years ago as the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, following enactment of the Census and Statistics Act 1905. The agency became the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 1975 with the passing of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975. The ABS provides statistics on a wide range of economic, social, population and environmental matters, covering government, business and the community. It also has an important coordination function with respect to the statistical activities of other official bodies, both in Australia and overseas
Key People
ABS House, 45 Benjamin Way, Belconnen ACT 2617
Locked Bag 10, Belconnen ACT
ABS House, 45 Benjamin Way, Belconnen ACT 2617
Locked Bag 10, Belconnen ACT 2616
Further information
Type of Body
A. Non-corporate Commonwealth entity
GFS Sector Classification
Established By / Under
Act / Regulation
Established By/Under More info
Australian Bureau of Statistics Act 1975
Annual Report Prepared and tabled?
A. Primary body
GFS Function / Sector Reported
PS Act Body
Yes - Statutory Agency with Dual Staffing Powers
Creation Date
Postal Address
Locked Bag 10, Belconnen ACT 2616
Current single executive appointments
Position | Appointee | Start Date | End Date |
Australian Statistician | Dr. David Gruen AO | 11 December 2024 | 10 December 2029 |
Last updated: