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The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Your guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government

Norfolk Island Governance Committee

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
The role of the Norfolk Island Governance Committee (NIGC) is to provide decisions, advice and recommendations on the governance of Norfolk Island. • The NIGC’s considerations include the legislative framework and laws applying to Norfolk Island, the delivery of government services, and other governance-related matters of importance to the Norfolk Island community. • The NIGC is working with the Norfolk Island community to deliver a plan, methodology and timeline to modernise Norfolk Island’s governance, consistent with the needs and aspirations of its people, and establish: o a new governing body with the appropriate legislative authority and financial and administrative capacity to efficiently, effectively and sustainably administer its responsibilities, and o a new governance model that is clear, fair and effective, and ensures a secure and genuinely democratic future for Norfolk Island and its people. • The NIGC will oversee and assist Norfolk Island’s transition to the new governance model, and facilitate continued collaboration, cooperation and communication between Norfolk Island’s new governing body, the Australian Government, and any service-delivery partners on Norfolk Island or in Australia. • The NIGC recognises the continued heritage, culture and traditions of the island’s culturally distinct people and preserve their enduring connections with and to their homeland, its important sites, and surrounding sea.

Further information

  • Type of Body

    F. Non-statutory advisory structure

  • Established By / Under


  • Paid Members?


  • Max No. of Board/Committee Members


  • Annual Report Prepared and tabled?


  • Classification

    C. Secondary non-statutory structure

  • Function Categorization

    Advisory Board

  • Creation Date

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