Moorebank Intermodal Development Rail Nominees Pty Ltd (MIDRN) was established as a 100% owned MIC subsidiary to fund and own the rail infrastructure connecting the Moorebank terminal to the Southern Sydney Freight Line. In return, MIDRN will receive a rail access charge for the full term of the 99-year leases, the quantum of which is independent of the demand for freight services using the rail access. MIDRN has, by design, no role in the operation and maintenance of the rail access (those being the responsibility of Precinct Developer Co). MIDRN was also established to facilitate the Commonwealth's divestment of its financial interest in the precinct.
ABN 86 606 134 918
Further information
Type of Body
M. Subsidiaries of corporate Commonwealth entities and Commonwealth companies
Established By / Under
Principal Body / Management Board / Senior Executive Officer
Annual Report Prepared and tabled?
D. Other governance relationship
Creation Date
Postal Address
Suite 2, Level 9, 1 O'Connell Street
Sydney NSW
Last updated: