We are excited to announce changes to the program at the National Carillon. All the updated information about the program can be found on our webpage here: Summer Sunday Sessions Series - National Carillon | National Capital Authority
In 2020 we were lucky to expand the instrument to 57 bells. See this page for information: National Carillon Upgrade Works | National Capital Authority .
Can you please update the phone number. The contact number for the carillon is at the National Capital Exhibition: 02 6271 2889. The other numbers are no longer in use.
For more information on recital and tour timings, refer to the following webpage: Summer Sunday Sessions Series - National Carillon | National Capital Authority
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Kind regards,
Peter Bray
Key People
Further information
Postal Address
GPO Box 373, Canberra ACT 2601
Last updated: