Silicon Quantum Computing Pty Ltd (SQC) was established through funding from the Commonwealth of Australia (as represented by the then Department of Industry, Innovation and Science), the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), Telstra, and the University of NSW (UNSW), which are shareholders in the company, along with the NSW State Government. SQC aims to develop a 10 qubit prototype and 100 qubit quantum processes as the first step in building a fully-functional quantum computer.
ABN 92 619 102 608
Further information
Type of Body
L. Joint ventures, partnerships and interests in other companies
Established By / Under
Corporations Act 2001 / Company / Trust Deed / Partnership
Annual Report Prepared and tabled?
Yes, but not tabled
D. Other governance relationship
Creation Date
Postal Address
Level 2, Newton Building, University of NSW
Kensington NSW 2052
Last updated: