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The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Your guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government

Science and Industry Endowment Fund Advisory Councils

Industry, Science and Resources
An Advisory Council has been established for each of the major Gifts/Endowments to the Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF), pursuant to the conditions set out in the respective Deed of Gift/Endowment. The Trustee is not a member of these Councils but has a right to attend any meeting and to be heard at such meetings. Meetings of the Advisory Councils are held as required with their primary role to assist the Trustee in the determination of application of SIEF monies which aligns with the SIEF's objectives, and to develop and consider initiatives and direction of the SIEF and associated issues. The CSIRO Gift Advisory Council, appointed by the CSIRO Board Endowment Committee in 2009, was dissolved in 2019 once the majority of the original CSIRO Gifts had been expended. The NSW Government Endowment and the NICTA Gift Advisory Bodies are appointed by the Trustee, with the NICTA Gift Council being dissolved in 2022 and the NSW Gov Endowment Council continuing to be active.

Further information

  • Type of Body

    F. Non-statutory advisory structure

  • Established By / Under

    Corporations Act 2001 / Company / Trust Deed / Partnership

  • Annual Report Prepared and tabled?


  • Classification

    C. Secondary non-statutory structure

  • Creation Date

  • Postal Address

    Ian Wark Laboratory, Bayview Avenue
    Clayton VIC 3168

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