(02) 6215 2222 One Canberra Avenue Forrest ACT 2603 Sections Budget GroupIndustry, Education and InfrastructureInfrastructure, Communications and AgricultureEducation, Employment & Workplace RelationsIndustry, Climate & EnvironmentBudget Policy and DataBudget ManagementBudget PolicyData Governance and AnalyticsSocial PolicyAged Care, Veterans and Care WorkforceHealthSocial Services and Indigenous AustraliansBusiness Enabling ServicesMinisterial and Parliamentary ServicesParliamentary Business Resources FrameworkCOMCAR and ProgramsHR FrameworksICTGovernment ServicesOnline ServicesInternal Services and CyberCBMSCorporate DivisionParliamentary, Governance and StrategyChief Financial OfficerCommunicationsHuman ResourcesLegal and AssuranceBusiness Services and SupportShared ServicesDigital ServicesOperations & Service ManagementPolicy and GovernanceCommercial GroupProperty and ConstructionProperty Management and ProjectsProperty Frameworks and ServicesClimate Action and Property DataMajor ProjectsMajor ProjectsProcurementProcurement Policy and SystemsStrategic ContractingStrategic ProcurementProcurement CapabilityCommercial InvestmentsCommunications and Energy InvestmentsTransport InvestmentsDefence InvestmentsCommercial Policy and AdviceSIVs, Funds and GovernanceRisk, Claims and Regulatory ReformRegulation and ResilienceAI CoLabComcover and Discretionary Payment ClaimsRisk and InsuranceRegulatory FoundationsGovernance and Resource ManagementGovernment and DefenceDefenceHome and Foreign AffairsCentral Agencies and Attorney-General'sFinancial Analysis, Reporting and ManagementFinancial ManagementEstimates and ReportingAccounting & FrameworksGovernance and GrantsPGPA and Digital ReportingElectoral and Superannuation PolicyGrants PolicyDigital ID and Data PolicyCommunications, Inclusion & GovernanceDigital ID PolicyDigital ID Legislation & RulesData Policy and AssuranceOffice of the National Data CommissionerStrategy & DeliverySharing, Policy and Legal Last updated: 19 November 2021