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Your guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government

The Government is making significant investments to establish a continuous naval shipbuilding and sustainment enterprise in Australia. Part of this investment includes creating the NSS Enterprise Headquarters to provide governance, policy and coordination for the enterprise in delivering continuous naval shipbuilding and sustainment. The NSS Enterprise Headquarters also works with government and industry stakeholders and bring together the many facets of this national endeavour. The NSS Headquarters is responsible for implementing the Naval Shipbuilding Plan 2017 and the development of an updated policy framework for the future of naval shipbuilding and sustainment activities. Other responsibilities include reporting to Ministers and Cabinet, international and industry engagement, governance, and ensuring a whole-of-government approach to the enterprise.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The successful development of an enduring shipbuilding and sovereign sustainment industry will generate significant economic growth, revitalise Australia’s heavy engineering and advanced manufacturing industrial capability and capacity, and grow and sustain thousands of Australian jobs. The enterprise represents an entirely new direction in the way Australia underpins its national security interests.


Key People

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