The Australian Egg Corporation Limited (Australian Eggs) is an industry services body or provider of marketing and research and development (R&D) services for the benefit of all stakeholders, principally egg producers. Australian Eggs is mainly funded through statutory levies, collected under the Egg Industry Service Provision Act 2002 and Australian Government funds for the purposes of 'approved' R&D.
Australian Eggs is a public, non-listed company and was registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission on 18 November 2002 and commenced operations on 1 February 2003. The framework for Australian Eggs operations is established by the Act, the funding agreement with the Australian Government and the company's constitution.
Australian Eggs services Australian egg producers irrespective of their size, location or farming system who distribute a wide variety of eggs and egg products to the local and international market.
Australian Eggs is not an industry representative body.
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