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Inspector-General of Animal Welfare and Live Animal Exports

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
The Australian Government agreed to establish an Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports (IGLAE) in response to Recommendation 15 of the Review of the Regulatory Capability and Culture of the Department of Agriculture in the Regulation of Live Animal Exports (Moss Review). The role was expanded in December 2023 to include the review of animal welfare related objectives and functions with the position title changing to Inspector-General of Animal Welfare and Live Animal Exports (IGAWLAE). The main function of the IGAWLAE is to review the conduct of livestock export officials in relation to the export of livestock and associated animal welfare matters, provide recommendations for overall system improvements and report to the Minister for Agriculture on all reviews conducted. The IGAWLAE will also do anything incidental to or conducive to the performance of the above functions. The IGAWLAE will promote continual improvements in the regulatory practice, performance and culture of the department in its role as the regulator of livestock exports, and provide an additional layer of accountability and assurance over animal welfare the regulation of Australia’s livestock exports. The IGAWLAE will not be subject to direction by the Minister for Agriculture in relation to the inclusion of a topic in the annual work plan, or in the way in which a particular review is conducted, or the priority given to any particular review. However, the minister may at times, in writing, request the IGAWLAE to conduct a review which the IGAWLAE may include in his/her annual work plan.

Further information

  • Type of Body

    E. Statutory office holder, offices and committees

  • Established By / Under


  • Established By/Under More info

    Position holder engaged under service contract by the department

  • Annual Report Prepared and tabled?


  • Classification

    B. Secondary statutory structure

  • Creation Date

  • Postal Address

    70 Northbourne Avenue

Current single executive appointments

Position Appointee Start Date End Date
Inspector-General of Animal Welfare and Live Animal Exports Dr. Katherine Clift 30 September 2024 29 September 2029
Last updated: