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Chief Executive Centrelink

Social Services
The Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997(previously the Commonwealth Services Agency Delivery Act 1997) creates the statutory office of the Chief Executive Centrelink within Services Australia (formerly the Department of Human Services) (s 7). The Act determines the Chief Executive Centrelink's functions including service delivery functions, functions conferred by other Acts and functions prescribed by the Human Services (Centrelink) Regulations 2011 (s 8). The service delivery functions are to provide services, benefits, programs or facilities that are provided for by the Commonwealth or a person other than the Commonwealth for a purpose for which the Parliament has the power to make laws (s 8A). The Chief Executive Centrelink can delegate his or her functions to departmental employees (s 12).

Further information

  • Type of Body

    E. Statutory office holder, offices and committees

  • Established By / Under

    Act / Regulation

  • Established By/Under More info

    Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997

  • Classification

    B. Secondary statutory structure

  • Creation Date

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