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The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Your guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government

Industry, Science and Resources
Questacon - The National Science and Technology Centre (Questacon) operates as a national cultural institution and specialist division of the Department of Industry, Science and Resources. From this position within the Australian Government, Questacon facilitates science engagement and awareness activities for the Australian community at a national level. The role of the Questacon Advisory Council (QAC) is to: 1. Serve as a source of independent advice to the Director of Questacon (and through them, the department and Portfolio Ministers); 2. Provide advice and information in relation to areas of speciality (for example science or research, fundraising or business development); 3. Raise the profile of and build the brand of Questacon; and 4. Engage with stakeholders and advocate for the work of Questacon. The Chair of the Questacon Advisory Council (QAC) is appointed by the Prime Minister based on advice from the Minister for Industry and Science. Members of the QAC are appointed by the Minister. The QAC comprises of a Chair, the Questacon Director and ex-officio members. The Questacon Advisory Council's current Terms of Reference has a minimum of 5 members and a maximum of 8 members.

Further information

  • Type of Body

    F. Non-statutory advisory structure

  • Established By / Under


  • Paid Members?


  • Max No. of Board/Committee Members


  • Annual Report Prepared and tabled?

    No, but noted in parent's annual report

  • Classification

    C. Secondary non-statutory structure

  • Function Categorization

    Advisory Board

  • Creation Date

  • Postal Address

    King Edward Terrace
    Parkes ACT 2600

Current board appointments

Position Appointee Start Date End Date
Deputy Chair VACANT
Last updated: