Key People Leader of the Opposition The Hon. Peter Dutton MP Canberra Phone (02) 6277 4022 Shadow Minister for Women The Hon. Sussan Ley MP Shadow Cabinet Secretary Senator James Paterson Shadow Minister for the Public Service Senator the Hon. Jane Hume Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price Shadow Minister for Industry, Skills and Training The Hon. Sussan Ley MP Deputy Leader of the Opposition The Hon. Sussan Ley MP Shadow Minister for Resources Senator Susan McDonald Shadow Minister for Energy Affordability and Reliability Mr. Ted O'Brien MP Shadow Minister for Agriculture The Hon. David Littleproud MP Leader of the Nationals The Hon. David Littleproud MP Shadow Minister for Water Senator Perin Davey Deputy Leader of the Nationals Senator Perin Davey Shadow Minister for Environment, Fisheries and Forestry Senator the Hon. Jonathan Duniam Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs The Hon. David Coleman MP Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism The Hon. Kevin Hogan MP Deputy Manager of Opposition Business in the House of Representatives The Hon. Kevin Hogan MP Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business The Hon. Sussan Ley MP Shadow Minister for Education Senator the Hon. Sarah Henderson Shadow Treasurer The Hon. Angus Taylor MP Shadow Minister for Government Services and the Digital Economy Senator Claire Chandler Shadow Minister for Science and the Arts Senator Claire Chandler Manager of Opposition Business in the House of Representatives The Hon. Michael Sukkar MP Shadow Minister for Social Services The Hon. Michael Sukkar MP Shadow Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme The Hon. Michael Sukkar MP Shadow Minister for Housing The Hon. Michael Sukkar MP Shadow Minister for Homelessness The Hon. Michael Sukkar MP Shadow Minister for Home Affairs Senator James Paterson Shadow Minister for Cyber Security Senator James Paterson Shadow Minister for Emergency Management Senator Perin Davey Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship The Hon. Dan Tehan MP Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston Shadow Minister for Sport Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate Senator the Hon. Jonathon Duniam Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie Leader of The Nationals in the Senate Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie Shadow Minister for Communications Ms. Melissa McIntosh MP Shadow Minister for Northern Australia Senator Susan McDonald Shadow Minister for Defence The Hon. Andrew Hastie MP Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs The Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP Shadow Minister for Finance Senator the Hon. Jane Hume Shadow Special Minister of State Senator the Hon. Jane Hume Shadow Attorney-General Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash Shadow Minister for Government Efficiency Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie