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The Strategy and National Security branch delivers science strategy and policy outcomes enabling DSTG to deliver against Defence's strategic objectives. Science Strategy and policy has a leading role in Defence S&T strategic direction through the oversight and governance of the Innovation, Science and Technology program, including More, together and Concepts to Capabilities. This also includes shaping the long term strategic posture for Defence S&T. The Strategy and National Security branch: - Advocates for Defence S&T in pan-Defence and cross Government forum. Representing DSTG’s interests and advancing the Defence research priorities, needs and the protection of technologies - Develops new innovation, science and technology program initiatives, such as the Capability Acceleration Fund and Rapid Prototyping Initiative - Coordinates Whole-of-Government National Security S&T to prioritise requirements, provide governance, reduce duplication, deliver S&T assurance and improve impact - Leads international research collaboration to leverage state of the art capabilities for Australia and to provide regional science diplomacy - Assures delivery of S&T value by fostering academic and industry S&T partnerships to build national S&T capability and enhance targeted delivery to Australian national security agencies - Manages DSTG’s national security S&T program, maximising dual-use application of DSTG sovereign capabilities.

Key People

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