www.dst.defence.gov.au Key People Chief Defence Scientist Prof. Tanya Monro (02) 51314336 cds.office@defence.gov.au www.dst.defence.gov.au/ 0438 708488 PO Box 7931, Canberra BC, ACT 2610 Executive Assistant to Chief Defence Scientist Loren Barbara 5131 3541 cds.office@defence.gov.au Chief of Staff to CDS Michael Buldo (02) 5108 1054 cds.office@defence.gov.au Director Governance and Coordination Helen Pretsell (02) 51087982 cds.office@defence.gov.au Further information Postal Address PO Box 7931, Canberra BC, ACT, 2610 Last updated: 26 April 2023
Chief Defence Scientist Prof. Tanya Monro (02) 51314336 cds.office@defence.gov.au www.dst.defence.gov.au/ 0438 708488 PO Box 7931, Canberra BC, ACT 2610